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Eek there's a spider


It hadn't even got to the 1st September, when my first house guest arrived and it wasn't my cousin. It was a large spider (It wouldn't have fitted under my water glass, if I could have emptied it in time). So I had one restless night. In the morning I decided to take control and look online about them. It stated "Harmless but the most common spider to make you go

Eek " . So I am fine about him now.

As the season starts to change I will be preparing by pickling, chutney making, crocheting and making small Christmas

gifts to squirrel away for the season to come.

Check out any free downloads on the website, you may be able to use them for Christmas and gifting.

Mean while her is a poem that came to mind, I don't know all of it and I don't know

who wrote it but here it is.

There a spider in the bathroom, with legs as thick as rope

and he lives beneath the cupboard, where me mother keeps the soap

At night I hear him coming, as he creep along the hall

He's going to eat my sister, he's going to eat us all

Sorry that's all I know..........



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